Auto Repair & Car Wash in Columbia, MD

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Does Underbody Rust Inhibitor Work?

December 1, 2022

Does Underbody Rust Inhibitor Work? | Columbia Auto Care & Car Wash in Columbia, MD. Closeup image of a rusted underbody of a car.

Years ago, most cars would begin showing signs of rust after just a few years of exposure to the elements. Fortunately, today’s vehicles are tougher and designed to withstand environmental factors in Columbia, MD.

Modern vehicles are equipped explicitly with sophisticated anti-corrosion technology. This has seemingly reduced the rust problem to the point where rust is no longer a threat. Or so it seems.

Upon closer inspection of the underside of your vehicle in Columbia, MD, you may notice the problem still exists. The bottom of your vehicle is more prone to rust than painted surfaces. As such, this area is one the top places subject to show signs of corrosion with time. This is even though manufacturers claim that underbody rustproofing should prevent it. 

Guess what? That corrosion can shorten the lifespan of some of your vehicle’s most critical components. Therefore, it logically follows that anything you can do to prevent or delay corrosion is worth doing.

That’s a big reason why Columbia Auto Care & Car Wash in Columbia, MD offers an underbody rust inhibitor option with every car wash. Applying it to your clean undercarriage will amplify your vehicle’s ability to fight corrosion and stay on the road as long as possible. 

What’s an Underbody Rust Inhibitor?

When you choose to have us apply an underbody rust inhibitor to your car’s undercarriage, our state-of-the-art wash system works to get the compound to where it’s needed most. 

But first, our car wash system will use high-pressure water jets and soap to remove dirt, grime, and road salts from the underside of your car. That’s a critical part of the process because it removes the elements that contribute to rust in the first place.

Once everything’s clean, we’ll apply a compound designed to inhibit rust on your car’s exposed metal parts. The compound we use contains a mixture of chemicals that will do three things to the underside of your car:

  • Remove any rust that’s already starting to form
  • Soak into exposed areas to short-circuit the process that leads to rust
  • Seal the exposed areas to keep rust-causing elements out

Although the protection offered by an underbody rust inhibitor is temporary, it’s the cheapest possible way to keep the underside of your car rust-free.

Do Underbody Rust Inhibitors Work in Columbia, MD?

Plenty of people will insist underbody rust inhibitors do not work. But the known facts about certain car underbody protection say otherwise. 

There are multiple patents for rust inhibitors and car underbody protection that utilize combinations of substances. One example is boric acid and triethanolamine, which can remove rust and inhibit new rust formation. Moreover, such substances have extensive histories demonstrating their anti-corrosion effects.

The fact is nothing can permanently protect exposed metals from rust. Regarding your car’s undercarriage, you only have two real options. 

The first is to take your car for detailing, including complete undercoating treatment. But doing that may set you back at least $100. 

The other is to get a fast, inexpensive application of underbody rust inhibitor when you get your car wash. They come with both our Super and Extreme wash packages—a bargain by comparison.

Contact Columbia Auto Care & Car Wash for Rustproofing Services in Columbia, MD

There’s an old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And that’s true of applying an underbody rust inhibitor to your car in Columbia, MD. It’s a preventative measure based on long-proven science, and that won’t cost you very much to do.

Consider how much the repairs could cost you if your car’s vital components fail due to rust. So don’t forget to add an underbody rust inhibitor treatment to your next car wash with Columbia Auto Care & Car Wash.

Allow us to give your vehicle the car underbody protection it needs today! Call us at (443) 656-9274 or fill out this form with any questions about your rustproofing options. Better yet, bring your car to our location at 10611 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia, MD 21044.


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