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The Benefits of Mobil Oil

December 16, 2019

The Benefits of Mobil Oil

Over the past forty years, there has been one name that has dominated the realm of motor oils: Mobil 1™. Repeatedly voted the overall best brand of motor oil, Mobil 1™ has performed consistently for decades. It is also the motor oil of choice by manufacturers of more than seventy top-performance vehicles right from the factory. With a track record that boasts a pedigree with NASCAR and Formula One racing, Mobil 1™ has endured testing in the most severe conditions, including the Million Mile Test and an “around the world” expedition. Mobil 1™ has positioned itself as the leading brand of synthetic motor oil.

So, what makes Mobil 1™ so great? What are its benefits? And why would you use it in your car?

Mobil 1™ The Synthetic Advantage

While oil derived from crude has been used for various purposes for centuries, motor oil was first refined for use as a lubricant (in steam engines) in the eighteen-sixties. Advances in the nineteen-twenties saw the birth of synthetic motor oil, made artificially in a laboratory and with significant benefits over its older “conventional oil” ancestor. While synthetic oil did not really come into immediate popularity, an oil shortage in Germany during WWII gave rise to its development. Progress in aerospace technology (along with an energy crisis) through the sixties and seventies, saw synthetic oil come to the forefront, and by the nineteen-nineties, led by Mobil 1™, most major oil companies offered a synthetic motor oil product.

Synthetic oils like Mobil 1™ are engineered from carefully-selected compounds and are made up of molecules that are far more consistent in size and shape than conventional motor oils. This design helps to reduce friction and provide longer engine life.

Mobil 1™ is made to allow for improved protection from wear, performance over a broad range of temperatures, cleaning power, and fuel economy. And Mobil 1™ products are customized to meet the demands of different engines, from performance vehicles to high-mileage motors.

Other benefits of Mobil 1™ synthetic oil include reduced thermal breakdown, longer intervals between oil changes, and fewer engine deposits than conventional oils.

Mobil 1™ – A Record of Performance

Not only is synthetic motor oil a superior product to conventional oil. Mobil 1™ stands at the top of the shelf when it comes to synthetics. Whereas many oil companies offer some form of synthetic oil product, Mobil 1™ has a track record to back up its reputation as the number one synthetic motor oil.

For instance, Mobil 1™ began a long and impressive relationship in 1978 with the racing world when it sponsored Williams Formula One Racing Team. The next year, Williams and Mobil 1™ entered the Grand Prix and won. In fact, they celebrated five wins over the course of the season. Together, the pair rode on to dozens of wins.

Over the next decade, Mobil 1™ expanded its influence in racing circles and has been the official motor oil of NASCAR since 2003.

But the success of Mobil 1™ has not been limited to racing circuits. It has a track record of real-world success as well. In 1990, test technicians loaded a brand new BMW 325i engine with Mobil 1™ to see how well the synthetic would perform for the long haul. They went on to run the engine for four years. That’s the equivalent of a million miles of service with stops only for routine maintenance and service. After four years of running with Mobil 1™ synthetic oil in the Million Mile Test, the engine was disassembled to reveal no significant signs of wear.

Results were similar in the “Drive Around the World Expedition” in 2003. In this 16-month challenge that spanned 28k miles (in the heat of the Mojave Desert and the cold of Siberia) without an oil change. And again in Las Vegas taxis rolling day and night for 120k miles. Inspections in both tests showed almost no signs of wear.

Time and time again, Mobil 1™ has proven itself to be the leader in the motor oil industry. That detail has not been lost on major auto manufacturers who consistently include the product in their engines straight from the factory.

The Mobil Oil Family

Mobil 1™ full synthetic motor oil is certainly the flagship of the Mobil Oil fleet and comes in more than a dozen formulations, including Mobil 1™ Annual Protection that offers 20k mile defense, Mobil 1™ High Mileage for engines with more than 75k miles on them, and Mobil 1™ Truck & SUV for hard-working vehicles. There are also special formulas for race engines, diesel, and more.

But Mobil offers other products as well. In fact, Mobil oil comes in many types, weights, and viscosities, including Mobile Super Synthetic, a full synthetic oil coming in at a lower price point than Mobil 1™, and Mobil Special for drivers who prefer to stick with conventional oil.

Whether it is because of their success in the lab, on the track, in severe real-world tests, or on your daily commute, the Mobil family of motor oils, led by Mobil 1™, is the best motor oil for your engine. When it is time to have your oil and filter changed, insist on Mobil Oil products.

Columbia Auto Care & Car Wash | Author: Mike Ales | Copyright December 2019

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